Broadway Historic Gateway
The village of Broadway lies at the foot of the Cotswold hills in the southern tip of Worcestershire.
The Village dates as a settlement from as early as Roman times it gained its name ‘Bradsetena Gamere (Broad Village) from around the 9th Century, over the years changing until its modern spelling ‘Broadway’ became in common usage around the 15th Century.
In the 16th century Broadway became an important staging post for coaches running the Worcester to London route to change horses. It was at this point many inns and hostelries opened including the famous Lygon Arms. The 16 and 17th century also saw the height of the art Cotswold stone building.
With the advent of Railways the village went into decline only to become popular again in the late 19th Century as a haunt for Victorian artists and writers such as J.M.Barrie, Vaughan Williams, Henry James and Elgar, who all sort inspiration from natural beauty and harmony of the architecture.
In the late 19th to early 20th century Broadway came into its own as a centre for The Arts and Crafts movement with William Morris a regular visitor and Gordon Russell establishing workshops and factory in the Village.
Nowadays Broadway is known as an international tourist destination all who seek its calm, tranquillity and natural outstanding beauty.